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深圳嘉成商务酒店管理服务公司,注重于酒店优质服务发展,迄今为止我们以先后为、开展业务(深圳、河南郑州,广东东莞、广州、清远)陆续开设分公司:常州、苏州、上海、郑州分公司多家知名酒店、餐饮企业及公司有过良好合作。培养有经验服务员上千人。公司旗下合作酒店:深圳迎宾馆、深圳五洲宾馆、香格里拉酒店、深圳丹枫白露酒店、深圳金茂万豪酒店、宝安区宝立方酒店、深圳 天健酒店 、香港企业唐宫餐饮集团、世纪海景高尔夫球会酒店、 景田天玑酒店、景田鹏湾大酒楼,深圳新都酒店,春满园餐饮策划管理集团旗下品牌连锁大酒楼。为酒展,车展提供活动方案等。




Shenzhen Jiacheng Traders Hotel management services company, focused on the development of hotel service quality, so far we have to carry out business, (Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou, Qingyuan) have opened branch: Changzhou, Suzhou, Shanghai, Zhengzhou branch of several well-known hotels, catering enterprises and companies have had good cooperation. Train experienced waiters with thousands of people. The company's cooperation Hotel: Shenzhen Guest House Hotel, Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel, Shangri-La Hotel, Shenzhen Royal Suites and Towers Hotel, Shenzhen Jinmao Marriott, Baoan District Bao Cube Hotel, Shenzhen Tianjian Hotel, Hongkong enterprise group, the catering century Seaview Golf Club Hotel, hotel, Jing Tian Peng Wan Tianji King restaurant, Century Plaza Hotel, Spring Garden Restaurant Management Planning Group brand chain restaurant. Provide programs for wine show, auto show, etc..



Shenzhen Jiacheng hotel management based in Shenzhen, the development of the country